Links for the Market

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Links to Important Market sites:

  1. NYSE/S&P 500 - Price Limits
  2. New York Stock Exchange
  3. American Stock Exchange
  4. Nasdaq
  5. Chicago Board of Trade
  6. Chicago Mercantile Exchange
  7. Chicago Board Options Exchange
  8. NY Mercantile Exchange - NYMEX/COMEX
  9. Kansas City Board of Trade

Links to Market Data Providers:

  1. Track Data/Dial Data
  2. S&P Comstock
  3. PC Quote
  4. Thomson Financial Services/AutEx/ILX Systems
  5. Bloomberg
  6. First Call
  7. Reuters/Quotron
  8. Instinet
  9. Value Line

Links to Online Brokers

  1. Brown & Company
  2. E.Schwab
  3. Smith Barney

Links to Nasdaq Information

  1. Check Your Broker